Requirements Discord client app is installed.
If you normally use it in a browser, you need to install it. Install elcord from MELPA
M-x package-list-packages
→ Select and install elcord
init.el Example
;;; Display "Playing emacs" in Discord (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/elpa/elcord-20220723.33/") (require 'elcord) Discord-side settings User Settings > Game activity > Add it!
Specify Emacs.
I’ve been feeling unsettled lately. I have ups and downs, my rhythm is all over the place. I feel like it’s making me tired and distracting me from what I need to do. Or maybe I’m just looking for excuses to get away from what needs to be done.
I feel like I know what I need to do, but it’s getting harder and harder every year to change myself. Thoughts become actions, so I want to be conscious of my thoughts in order to bring myself closer to my ideal, even if it is only little by little.
Background I wanted to change the text and background colors in Org-mode. I have changed the Markdown text and background colors before. So I tried to remember how to do that, but I forgot, so I looked it up.
This blog is a reminder.
This is Org-mode before the change.
The color of the level 1 headline is red, and the color of the level 2 headline and link is the same blue.
What is iedit?
Tools for Bulk Editing
Install M-x package-list-packages
→ Select and install iedet
init.el ;;iedit (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/iedit") (require 'iedit) How to use Press C-; at the point where you want to edit the batch. (It’s default key bindings.)
Then you will be in edit mode, and when you are done modifying, C-; again to finish editing.
Note At first, I didn’t know how to use it. But I found it very useful to see what is going on in real time by looking at the *Messages*.
I have been very busy lately. Therefore, I couldn’t write my blog. Finally, now that my busyness has calmed down, I would like to spend my weekends posting blogs and catching up on technology.
I updated my MindMap. I made a list of technologies I want to know about. (by Notion) I started living with a dog last month. He is a puppy, but he will be quite large. The house I live in now allows dogs.